Partners and Sponsors
If you would like to support the Festival and shape its form - become a Sponsor 🙂
By doing so:
- you help us determine the budget we have for the organization of the Festival and the specific form it can take (the number of lecturers, whether they will be on zoom or live, the quality of the appearance of the hall, the method of publicity, translation, etc.)
- you help by donating any amount to the general costs of the Festival or to a specific cause listed below
- you can enjoy co-creating of this Event
All you need to do is:
- choose a sponsorship from the list and send us the appropriate amount by bank transfer or PayPal
- send information on what purpose you want your donation to be used for
We are grateful for any amount, your openness and help!
You can support us by Sponsoring:
Account no. in PLN: 54 1140 2004 0000 3202 3877 2844
Account no. in EURO: PL11 1140 2004 0000 3212 0228 0535
Do you run a business and would like to contribute to the Festival?
We can include your logo on the website and provide your presence at the Festival. Just contact us at:
- the website: 3000 PLN or any part of the amount (1 Euro is about 4,60 PLN)
- rental of all kinds of equipment: 1000-1500 PLN or any part of the amount
- zoom: 800 PLN or any part of the amount
- flyers, packages, advertising: 400-1400 PLN or any part of the amount
- decorations: 200 PLN or part of the amount
- coffee, tea, accessories: 600 PLN or part of the amount
- any amount of your choice